Audit of financial statements
Grogan Ryan have been conducting company audits for more than a decade.
Firstly we assess whether or not your company is required to have an audit. Your company may qualify to be audit exempt. Very often, clients may not need an audit as the company may be audit exempt. There are guidelines in existence to help identify companies that can be audit exempt. Generally your accountant will identify for you if your company is audit exempt.
An Auditing Certificate
Under the provisions of the Companies Act (both UK and Ireland) members are not entitled to work in audit practice unless they have met the educational and training requirements set out in the Acts.
An auditing certificate awarded by the Chartered Accountants Ireland to its member confirms that the member has met the educational standards and training experience provisions set out in the Acts in relation to Statutory Auditors. Grogan Ryan hold an auditing certificate.
Grogan Ryan would be delighted to talk to you on your auditing requirements. We would be delighted to be given the opportunity to meet up and discuss the audit. This initial consultation is a free consultation.
Required to have an Audit?
If your company is required to have an audit, then an audit should and can add value to your business. Our experienced staff are specialists in evaluating business systems and processes. These processes test for potential weaknesses in your company business processes and ultimately lead to implementing new business processes which will protect your company’s assets and income. When we conduct a company audit, we aim to conduct it with as minimum as possible disruption to the day to day business. Our Audit procedures will ensure that our client regulatory requirements are met.
In summary, Grogan Ryan are highly experienced Registered Auditors. We perform audits on companies across all sectors on a regular basis.
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