Accountants Waterford
Grogan Ryan Accountants Waterford - Situated in the heart of Waterford City,
Yes, Grogan Ryan are Waterford Accountants, they have offices in both Waterford and Dublin. Grogan Ryan, Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors were set up in Waterford in 2001 by Robert Grogan, Although we are based in Durands Court, in Waterford City and in Citywest in Dublin, we have clients based nationwide. We offer all our clients the option to use cloud accounting and we also offer all our clients access to their accounts files 24/7, as we store all client information on a secure server, Sharefile. With Sharefile, each client is given an individual login for their own files. Sharefile is offered as a free service for all our clients. If you are looking for an Accountant in Waterford, perhaps you are either starting a new business, not happy with the service you are getting from your current Accountant or need some personal taxation advice. Grogan Ryan would be delighted to be given an opportunity to meet and talk with you on your individual requirements. All you need to do is call our office and set up a meeting. This initial meeting is free to you and can be very beneficial to you in your search for an Accountant.
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